Resources Test

Private citizens requiring legal services may contact these resources for assistance:

e trained volunteers from East Bay communities who represent a variety of ages, ethnic groups, religions, sexual orientations, occupations, life experiences and native languages. CFO helps to avoid the cost and delays of the court system. There is a nominal fee, however, no one is turned away for lack of funds.

Echo Housing: (888) 887-ECHO (3246) -

ECHO’s Tenant/Landlord Counseling Program provides information to tenants and landlords.  Additionally, ECHO has trained mediators to assist in resolving housing disputes.  For information on Alameda County’s Mandatory Rent Mediation Notification and Rent Mediation Services email them at

Marriage License: Your license will be forwarded to the Alameda County Clerk. The County Clerk will process it and return it to you in approximately 2 weeks. If you do not receive your license, please follow up with the County Clerk at 510-272-6362.

We hope you enjoyed your wedding. We would love to hear from you. If you would like to write a Google review please visit here to tell us about your experience. Congratulations from all of us at the City Clerk's Office!