Volunteer for all or part of the day to clean up and launch the Alameda Community Garden! Projects include weeding, mulching, building planter boxes and compost bins, painting and signage. Lunch is included. All ages are welcome and children/youth under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Tools are provided but we encourage volunteers to bring work gloves.
Please sign up at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LW86qgmTnuvJPLm0wFXfS4LilRMNE-ZFTeKLGxc0o9A/viewform
or call ARPD at (510) 747-7570
To get there:
If you bike, please bring a bike lock and you can park your bike at the work site.
If you drive, please park at the Wind River parking lot on Atlantic Ave. A shuttle and escorted tours across the park will be available.
Jean Sweeney Open Space Park
Constitution Way and Atlantic Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501