Community Profile and Incentives

Choose Alameda

Alameda is an excellent place to start your business, whether you are looking for talented employees or discerning consumers. The City offers a highly educated work force and a $960 million annual household demand. Not only does Alameda outrank surrounding cities in terms of income and education, we also offer significant advantages with one of the lowest business license tax rates in the area and competitive lease rates for office, R&D, and commercial spaces.



Useful Incentives


Employment Training Panel Funds

This state program provides funds to help offset the costs of job skills training necessary to maintain high-performance workplaces.



The City of Alameda’s electricity costs are substantially lower for local commercial businesses compared to surrounding areas, and our power is greener too! Alameda businesses enjoy major advantages from Alameda Municipal Power services: reliability, low electrical rates, clean energy, and high customer satisfaction.


Foreign Trade Zone

The City of Alameda is included in the Oakland Foreign Trade Zone. Businesses may reap substantial benefits.


Impact Fee Deferral & State Community Infrastructure Program (SCIP)

This program can help businesses conserve capital during the construction process; it assists with financing development impact fees and public infrastructure costs associated with private development.


Industrial Development Bonds

Manufacturing firms may qualify for tax-exempt and other long-term, low interest rate financing through various state agencies and agencies affiliated with the City of Alameda. We can assist with the application process.



New construction projects within Alameda's three redevelopment areas may be eligible for additional incentives, negotiated on a case-by-case basis.


Site Selection and Permitting Assistance

Our staff can help you find the right site in Alameda to start your business or expand. Once you've selected the site, we'll guide you through the permitting process.