How likely is there to be a nearby earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.7 (fallen buildings, broken gas and water lines, fires) in the next 30 years?
63% likely – according to the United States Geological Survey.
While this information has been well-publicized, studies show that the majority of us aren’t prepared for an earthquake – or any other disaster. Only about half of our community has a disaster supply kit and less than half have a disaster plan. Do you?
This summer, the Alameda Unified School District, the City of Alameda, and the Alameda Fire Department have joined forces to improve those numbers locally by organizing an island-wide, multi-week earthquake preparation roundup we can all take part in.
Please take this 1-minute survey to let us know how prepared you are!
Check out these resources from Alameda County.
Check out the Alameda unified School District's Prepare Our Island site.