Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), or Central Business Districts, are used extensively throughout California. In Alameda, there are two BIAs, both formed in the 1990s -- one on the east end of town (Park Street District), and one on the west end (Webster Street District). The Park Street area includes City Hall. Click to download the Civic Center Vision and the Webster Street Vision plans.
Each BIA area has a business association with an executive director and board that strive to promote a healthy retail/service climate as well as a district that is aesthetically pleasing and clean. Every year, the City Council re-adopts the BIAs and sets the levies, the percentage of retail sales that become "dues" for members. Perhaps the biggest advantage to being in a Business Improvement Area is the knowledge that the welfare of the district is being actively pursued by both hired staff and civic-minded volunteers.
Businesses located in and around Park Street or Webster Street should contact their area representatives for full details. Businesses located in the Webster Street Business District also need to follow the Webster Street Design Manual.
Downtown Alameda Business Association (DABA)
(510) 523-1392
West Alameda Business District (WABA)
(510) 523-5955
Addresses within BIA Boundaries
Fee Schedule
Annual Assessment Reports
DABA FY 2018/19
DABA (formerly PSBA) FY 2016/17
WABA FY 2018/19