City to hold three community input sessions on climate action ideas and community priorities for a sustainable Alameda



September 17, 2018



Sarah Henry, Public Information Officer

(510) 747-4714


While Alameda is a sustainability leader in the Bay Area, our island faces significant vulnerabilities to climate change impacts, such as sea level rise and increased shoreline flooding, reduced air quality, and more severe storms.


To address these challenges, the City of Alameda is developing a new Climate Action and Resiliency Plan that will set 10-year goals and strategies for reducing dangerous greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, and adapting to the impacts of climate change.


Be part of the plan! The City is hosting three community input sessions to solicit climate action ideas from community members. This effort to gather input builds on two surveys that were circulated to the community this summer.


Who should attend: All are invited to join the workshop that is most convenient for them.


Why you should come: This workshop is the best opportunity for community members to tell the City what climate action and resiliency strategies they wish to see in the final plan.


When and where: Three identical community input sessions will be held at the following locations:

  • September 24, 6:30-8 pm: Harrison Recreation Center at Lincoln Park (1450 High St)
  • September 25, 6:30-8 pm: Harbor Bay Isle Homeowners Association (3195 Mecartney)
  • September 26, 6:30-8 pm: O’ Club (641 W Red Line Ave)


For those who are not able to make any of the in-person community input sessions, please check the City of Alameda’s social media accounts or the City website for a digital version of the input session: You can also email us with any questions at           


