City of Alameda Provides Improved Free Shuttle Service


October 24, 2017



Victoria Williams, Paratransit Coordinator

(510) 747-7513



Ride the Alameda Loop Shuttle!

City of Alameda Provides Improved Free Shuttle Service

Starting on Tuesday, October 31, two new accessible shuttle buses will be on the road to meet the growing transportation needs within Alameda. With two buses in service, riders need not wait more than 30 minutes for a shuttle at each designated shuttle stop. The service has been renamed the Alameda Loop Shuttle – formerly the Alameda Paratransit Shuttle – and both buses are equipped with bike racks and wheelchair lifts.


The two buses run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. There are three shuttle routes that provide access to major shopping destinations and medical facilities, including:


·         Tuesdays: West Loop (between Alameda Landing and downtown Alameda), leaving the Anne B. Diament Senior Plaza at 920 Park Street and the Target Store on the hour and half past the hour

·         Wednesdays: East Loop (between Bay Farm Island, downtown Alameda and Mastick Senior Center), leaving the Waters Edge Lodge at 801 Island Drive on the hour and half past the hour

·         Thursdays: Central Loop (between downtown Alameda, Shore Line Drive and Bridgeside Center), leaving the Anne B. Diament Senior Plaza at 920 Park Street on the hour and half past the hour


While each day’s route covers a different area of Alameda, all routes stop at these common destinations: Alameda Hospital, Alameda Main Library, Alameda Theater, Kaiser Permanente, Mastick Senior Center, and South Shore Center at Trader Joe’s / Safeway.


The service is open to all, and provides preferential seating for seniors and people with disabilities. Riders are encouraged to board the shuttles at the designated shuttle stops and to explore Alameda. Shuttle drivers can assist riders with boarding and exiting the shuttle, securing wheelchairs, and carrying up to five bags of groceries or a folding shopping cart.


These shuttle services are funded by Measures B and BB transportation sales tax dollars, which are administered by the Alameda County Transportation Commission.  For shuttle schedules and for more information on this free shuttle service, please refer to the web page:


