Alameda County Offers Free In-Home Lead Consultations

The Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program is offering free in-home consultations to help Alameda home owners recognize and address potential lead hazards in their home. Most pre-1978 homes in Alameda have multiple layers lead-based paint under the surface layer. Many of our yards also have lead contaminated soil. Lead is a serious problem especially for young children, when paint deteriorates or a renovation project disturbs painted surfaces, or a child is playing a contaminated soil. Children exposed to very small amounts of lead dust can suffer from permanent neurological damage. But there are ways to prevent lead exposures by safely addressing lead hazards in the home or yard. Alameda County's Lead Poisoning Prevention Program can help.

If you own a home or rental dwelling built before 1978 in Alameda, you are eligible for a free on-site consultation. The consultation is individualized to meet your needs and is conducted by a professional experienced in lead poisoning prevention and lead hazard reduction. It is easy to sign up by calling the public information line at 510-567-8280 or signing up on-line at

State and Federal law also now require property owners, painters and contactors to be trained and to use lead safe work practices when disturbing a painted surface. The Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program offers Alameda property owners, their maintenance staff and property managers free training in the required EPA accredited Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting course.

Anyone with concerns about lead poisoning or who would like to sign up for the free services is encouraged to call the Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program public  information line at 510-567-8280 or visit