Occupational Medical Services

The City of Alameda is currently seeking letters of interest and qualifications from companies able to provide occupational medical services to the City of Alameda.   Such companies should have experience in providing occupational medical services to employers of more than 250 employees and have offices in close proximity to the City of Alameda.   Responses should describe the provider’s experience in providing services such as pre-employment physicals, drug and alcohol testing, compliance with Federal and State programs, fitness for duty exams, services related to supporting a workers compensation program and other related activities necessary for a municipal governmental entity.


Interested providers should send a letter of qualifications and accompanying material not exceeding 25 pages in length.  The City will review the responses and select the most qualified applicants for further interviews and information.  The City of Alameda expects to choose one or more providers to interview for a potential contract with the City to provide occupational medical services.  For further information, please contact the Human Resources Department at hr@alamedaca.gov


Deadline for responses: August 18, 2014


Responses should be sent to:

City of Alameda, Human Resources Department

Attn:  Monica Selles, Human Resource Analyst

2263 Santa Clara, Room 290

Alameda, CA 94501

Email: hr@alamedaca.gov

Fax: 510-865-4043


Bid Due Date:
Monday, August 18, 2014 - 5:00 pm

Bid Due Location