Request for Proposal for Extraction of Asset Data from Existing Mobile Lidar Data to Populate a Geographic Information System (GIS)

The Public Works Department is soliciting bids for Extraction of Asset Data from Existing Mobile Lidar Data to Populate a Geographic Information System (GIS).  This project is being advertised September 18, 2015.


Proposals must be received by October 7, 2015.  All proposals are due no later than 2 p.m. to the City of Alameda Public Works Department, 950 West Mall Square, Room 110, Alameda, CA  94501. 


The RFP can be found on the City’s Doing Business website:




Contact Erin Smith at (510) 747-7938 for more information.


RFP: Asset Extraction from Mobile Lidar Data

Bid Due Date:
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 - 2:00 pm

Bid Due Location