Jean Sweeney Open Space Park, Phase A, No. P.W. 05-16-09

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 31, 2017 for the Jean Sweeney Open Space Park, Phase A, No. P.W. 05-16-09.  Bids must be presented to Jack Dybas, Project Manager II, City of Alameda Public Works Department, 950 W. Mall Square, Room 110, Alameda, CA 94501, under sealed cover, plainly marked on the outside as follows:  “CITY OF ALAMEDA - SEALED BID FOR Jean Sweeney Open Space Park, Phase A, NO. P.W. 05-16-09.” (Bids will be received and stamped in Room 110, and opened in Room 156.)


Any bids received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids shall be returned unopened.


The Work for the Jean Sweeney Open Space Park, Phase A, Project (aka JSOSP) includes the following:


Furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services, testing, permits, temporary controls and construction facilities, and all general conditions, general requirements and incidentals required to complete the Jean Sweeney Open Space Park, Phase A, Project (aka JSOSP) as generally described below:



Clearing and grubbing, demolition and removal or recycling, of ground cover, wood, metal, asphalt, concrete, pipe, roots, rocks, vegetation, miscellaneous organic or non-organic materials, weeds, stumps, logs, soil mounds, including existing structures (on or below grade). In addition, the Contractor will encounter on site existing railroad ties and will be responsible for disposing of them offsite in an appropriate land fill facility – per the Removal Action Workplan. The Contractor shall assume a minimum of 100 tons of railroad ties will need to be disposed of.


The Contractor should be aware of – and familiar with - the project’s Removal Action Workplan, Appendix G - attached as a reference document.  Its intent is to identify known areas of soil contamination, debris piles and railroad ties and subsequent remediation, removal and/or off-haul of same.  The RAW also identifies soil management practices and cleanup goals for soil contamination, if and when encountered.  When the Jean Sweeney Open Space Park (JSOSP) project begins construction, the identified areas of soil contamination and the debris piles are expected to have already been removed, off-hauled and/or remediated.  Most if not all of the contaminated soil will have already been encapsulated, remediated, or off hauled - under the work scope of the Cross Alameda Trail project. During construction of the JSOSP there is little expectation of encountering any additional soil contamination.  However, there is a possibility, and if physical or visual evidence of soil contamination is observed during excavation or construction work, the Contractor is to notify the City and be prepared to implement soil management practices as identified in this RAW. As noted above however, the JSOSP Contractor will be responsible for removal (i.e.; off-hauling), profiling and disposal of the Railroad ties in the JSOSP scope of work, and according to the RAW.


Construction, installation of new utilities and infrastructure, including removal, additions or modifications to existing systems. New or existing infrastructure work includes site and building lighting and electrical, domestic, fire and irrigation water, storm drainage and sewer utilities, bioswales, bioretention or detention areas and basins, drainage structures, striping and signage for paving, pathways and parking lots, and bicycle parking facilities.


Construction, installation of new site improvements, features, facilities and amenities including landscaping, planting and irrigation, natural and artificial playgrounds and play structures, paved and non-paved walking, jogging and bicycle trails or pathways, circulation striping and signage, bicycle racks, trash enclosures and receptacles, drinking fountains, pathway lighting, parking lots, driveways, pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular access features, site security elements, paved, natural or otherwise surfaced or landscaped plazas, pre-manufactured picnic pavilion, recreation, picnic and play areas, trellises, structures and buildings including site walls, retaining walls, steps and stairs, park benches, playground equipment, barbecues, fences, gates, prefabricated restroom and maintenance buildings, park entry features, interpretive signage and site furnishings.



(As described in Construction Documents.)



(As described in Construction Documents.)



(As described in Construction Documents.)



(The Bidders / Contractors shall review the Removal Action Workplan associated with this site. Although not expected, it is possible that material (soils, debris, etc.) requiring disposal at a Class 2 landfill will be encountered during demolition, excavation or grading  activities associated with the project. The Bidders / Contractors shall assume 300 cubic yards of this material will be encountered and will require proper remediation, off-haul and/or disposal.)


Bidders to Note: 

This JSOSP project is immediately adjacent to, and preceded by, the first phase of the Cross Alameda Trail Project (aka CAT) which started construction on July 12, 2017.  It is approximately a 6-month long project for the construction of a Class 1 bike lane, walking path, and jogging trail stretching between Webster Street (to the west) and Sherman Street (to the east) within City owned parcels located directly south of the office park development / campus along the south side of Atlantic Avenue.  The CAT scope of work includes the early completion (i.e.; demolition, grading, construction, partial landscaping and irrigation, utilities, hazardous soils excavation and/or mitigation, etc.) of the eastern portion of the CAT site - immediately adjacent to AND within the JSOSP Phase A – so as to leave this portion of the site finished, clean and clear for the Jean Sweeney Open Space Park (JSOSP) Phase A, project construction.  The work for the early completion of this portion of the CAT project is expected to be completed within forty (40) working days following the CAT Contractor’s Notice to Proceed (7/12/17).  It will be the duty of the prospective bidders for the JSOSP to incorporate into their bids and schedules the necessary coordination - including but not limited to site access, security and staging – with the General Contractor who is awarded construction of the CAT project.


Plans and specifications can be obtained from BPXpress Reprographics located at 4903 Central Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804 for a non-refundable cost of $100.00 per set. Shipping and handling are extra, depending on the delivery method. Electronic copies of the documents are also available for a non-refundable cost of $50 per set. Copies of the documents can be viewed and ordered at (link is external). They can also be ordered by contacting BPXpress Reprographics by phone at (510) 559-8299 or by email at (link sends e-mail). For any questions about ordering or downloading process, please contact BPXpress. It is the responsibility of each prospective bidder to confirm his/her firm is on the plan holders list held at BPXpress to ensure receipt of any subsequent communications, such as Addenda.


Any Addenda issued before the time in which to submit Bids expires shall form a part of the Contract Documents and shall be included in and attached to the Bid (cover sheets only, not necessarily all exhibits).  Bidders shall acknowledge and confirm receipt of any and all addenda in their Bid proposals.


PRE-BID MEETING.  A non-mandatory (optional) Pre-Bid Meeting is scheduled on Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. at the City Hall West, Public Works Department, 950 W. Mall Square, Conference Room 156, Alameda, CA 94501.


SITE WALK.  A non-mandatory (optional) Site Walk is offered on the same day at 9 a.m. at the project site, 1925 Sherman Street, Alameda, CA 94501. Participants to meet just outside of chain link fence gates on eastern end of future park entrance off of Atlantic Avenue. (City will open the chain link gates promptly at 9:00 am for entry.) Site tour expected to be 45 minutes maximum. 10:30 am pre-Bid meeting follows, at City Hall West.


If you have any questions please contact Jack Dybas, Project Manager, Alameda Public Works Department by email at (link sends e-mail) and cc to Amy Wooldridge, Director, Alameda Recreation & Parks Dept. at (link sends e-mail) .

Pre-Bid Meeting Date:
Thursday, August 10, 2017 - 10:30
Pre Bid Location:

Bid Due Date:
Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 2:00 pm

Bid Due Location