A) On-Going Emergency Incidents such as:
Any discharge of hazardous materials, unknown materials
Incidents where pollutant materials are already discharging into a storm drain inlet, the estuary channel, a lagoon, or the Bay
Issues with life and health-safety implications
Call 9-1-1
B) Reports of Sewer Over Flow Emergencies
During normal business hours call Public Works Maintenance Service Center: 510-747-7900 After hours & weekends call the City’s 24-hour dispatch line: 510-337-8340
C) Reports of ILLEGAL DUMPING (other than emergencies described above) of non-hazardous material to the public right-of way (i.e. sidewalk or the street) such as incidents described below:
Washwater (i.e., from floors, paint brushes, carpet cleaning, or dog groomer), cement slurry, construction debris, landscaping debris etc.
Online: Please select Illegal Dumping to Storm Drain or other applicable category
During normal business hours call Alameda Fire Prevention Bureau Inspector staff: 510-337-2120 After hours & weekends call the City’s 24-hour dispatch line: 510-337-8340
Abandoned waste within the public right of way (i.e. garbage, electronics, furniture, appliances)
Online: Please select Illegal Dumping to Garbage or other applicable category
During normal business hours please call Public Works Maintenance Service Center: 510-747-7900. After hours & weekends please call the City’s 24-hour dispatch line: 510-337-8340.
Calls/reports about a non-immediate incident (e.g., "Last week, I observed....")
Online: Please select Storm Drain Maintenance Non Emergency or other applicable category
During normal business hours please call Public Works Clean Water Program staff: 510-747-7930. After hours & weekends please call the City’s 24-hour dispatch line: 510-337-8340.