Residential Projects

The City of Alameda requires that all residential development with five units or more satisfy the City's Inclusionary Housing requirement. Projects that propose nine residential units or more must include affordable housing where at least 15 percent of the total units must be restricted for occupancy by very low-, low- or moderate-income households. The current priority is to examine our current requirements and incentives to determine how to best facilitate affordable housing in private development projects. Alameda is committed to pursuing all appropriate available funding for the construction of low-income housing. Read more about the City's commitment in the Housing Element of the General Plan.
A sample of the affordable unit sales price is available here.
Nonresidential Projects
Nonresidential projects that involve new construction, construction of additional square footage to existing buildings, and changes in use that do not require interior remodels but that increase the employee density of the building are subject to the Affordable Housing Unit/Fee Requirements.