Internet Use Policy

In keeping with its mission to provide an inviting and comfortable place where people of all ages develop and enjoy a love of learning and reading, connect with the online world, and find the information they need for daily living, the Alameda Free Library provides users with access to the Internet.

The Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom as expressed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. All Library computers must be used in a manner that upholds this policy and adheres to the Alameda Free Library’s Behavior in the Library Policy.

The Internet is a global electronic network that is vast, dynamic, and unregulated. Because of this, information may not be accurate, current, or complete. Internet users need to be good information consumers, critically evaluating everything they read. The Alameda Free Library makes no warranty, expressed or implied, for the timeliness, accuracy, or usefulness of information obtained via the Internet. Internet users are warned that the Internet is not a secure medium and that privacy of e-mail and other communications is not guaranteed. The Library is not liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost data, information, or income, sustained or incurred in connection with the use, operation, or inability to use the Internet.

Some information, commentary, or graphic images may be offensive or disturbing to library patrons. Internet users are responsible for selecting which sites they visit. Internet users should be aware that Library computers are in a public area and others may be involuntarily exposed to what is displayed on the computer screen.

The Alameda Free Library supports parents and guardians in their efforts to guide their children's intellectual and social development. Parents are encouraged to review the guidelines for Internet use on the website, Child Safety on the Information Highway and to discuss appropriate use with their children. The Library may provide filtering software on selected Internet stations that have been designated for use by children. These products attempt to screen out what may be offensive or inappropriate, especially to children, on the Internet. For more information about filtering software and how it works, ask a librarian at the Reference Desk. Even with the use of filtering software, the Library cannot guarantee that children will be protected from all offensive material. As with other resources in the Library, it is the sole right and responsibility of the parents or guardians to provide any monitoring or restriction of their own child's access to the Internet.

Library staff is available to assist Internet users in accessing the Internet and software on library computers, to offer searching suggestions, to demonstrate printer functions, and to answer questions as time permits. Staff cannot provide in-depth individual assistance. The Library offers classes, which teach basic computer and Internet-searching skills.

Users must comply with US copyright law. This means that use of the Library's computers for the transmission, dissemination, and/or duplication of information is regulated under various state and federal laws. Additionally, Internet users are subject to any applicable local, state, and federal statutes.

Adopted by the Library Board on October 14, 1998

Update approved by the Library Board May 9, 2018