Library Policies
In keeping with its mission to provide an inviting and comfortable place where people of all ages develop and enjoy a love of learning and reading, connect with the online world, and find the information they need for daily living, the Alameda Free Library provides users with access to the Internet.
The Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom as expressed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. All Library computers must be used in a manner that upholds this policy and adheres to the Alameda Free Library’s Behavior in the Library Policy.
The Internet is a global electronic network that is vast, dynamic, and unregulated. Because of this, information may not be accurate, current, or complete. Internet users need to be good information consumers, critically evaluating everything they read. The Alameda Free Library makes no warranty, expressed or implied, for the timeliness, accuracy, or usefulness of information obtained via the Internet. Internet users are warned that the Internet is not a secure medium and that privacy of e-mail and other communications is not guaranteed. The Library is not liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost data, information, or income, sustained or incurred in connection with the use, operation, or inability to use the Internet.
Some information, commentary, or graphic images may be offensive or disturbing to library patrons. Internet users are responsible for selecting which sites they visit. Internet users should be aware that Library computers are in a public area and others may be involuntarily exposed to what is displayed on the computer screen.
The Alameda Free Library supports parents and guardians in their efforts to guide their children's intellectual and social development. Parents are encouraged to review the guidelines for Internet use on the website, Child Safety on the Information Highway and to discuss appropriate use with their children. The Library may provide filtering software on selected Internet stations that have been designated for use by children. These products attempt to screen out what may be offensive or inappropriate, especially to children, on the Internet. For more information about filtering software and how it works, ask a librarian at the Reference Desk. Even with the use of filtering software, the Library cannot guarantee that children will be protected from all offensive material. As with other resources in the Library, it is the sole right and responsibility of the parents or guardians to provide any monitoring or restriction of their own child's access to the Internet.
Library staff is available to assist Internet users in accessing the Internet and software on library computers, to offer searching suggestions, to demonstrate printer functions, and to answer questions as time permits. Staff cannot provide in-depth individual assistance. The Library offers classes, which teach basic computer and Internet-searching skills.
Users must comply with US copyright law. This means that use of the Library's computers for the transmission, dissemination, and/or duplication of information is regulated under various state and federal laws. Additionally, Internet users are subject to any applicable local, state, and federal statutes.
Adopted by the Library Board on October 14, 1998
Update approved by the Library Board May 9, 2018
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are welcomed and permitted in the Alameda Free Library. The ADA defines a service animal as any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. “Seeing eye dogs” are one type of service animals used by some individuals who are blind. This is the type of service animal with which most people are familiar. But there are service animals that assist persons with other kinds of disabilities in their day-to-day activities, including alerting persons with hearing impairments to sounds and pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments.
A service animal is not a pet.
Service animals must be allowed in all public places.
No special license, harness or vest is required.
In order to help maintain a pleasant, productive, and safe environment for all Library users and staff, the following behavioral guidelines for service animals are to be observed:
- Service animals must be physical proximity with their handler and under handler control at all times.
- Service animals may not be left unattended by their handler at any time.
- Service animals must be on a leash or harness at all times unless the use of a leash or harness interferes with the animal's effective performance of its designated task(s). If the animal cannot be leashed or harnessed, it must be under the handler's control via voice, signals, or other effective means at all times.
- Service animals must not display disruptive behavior such as barking and growling and must conform to the Alameda Free Library Behavior Policy.
- Service animals must be housebroken and their handler is responsible for any upkeep or clean-up of the animal.
NOTE: If a service animal's behaviors or actions pose an unreasonable or direct threat to the health or safety of others, or do not conform to these guidelines, it may not remain in a Library facility. In accordance with ADA guidelines, non-compliance of guidelines can be grounds for a request to remove a service animal from a Library facility. If the service animal is excluded from a Library facility, the individual with the disability is welcome to stay and will be reasonably accommodated by Library staff.
Adopted by the Library Board May 9, 2018
Alameda Free Library
Rules for Meeting Room Use
The primary purpose of the Alameda Free Library is to serve as a community resource. As a City institution, the library has an obligation to assist the community in the vital function of open public meetings. As a department of the City, the library also has a responsibility to insure that library functions are carried out in an effective way. The balance between these two concerns is vital. The following rules have been set up for the purpose of guiding the public and staff in the use of the premises for public activities and are meant to be broad enough to allow wide public access to library premises and specific enough to allow the library to ensure that the integrity of basic library functions is maintained.
All Library meeting rooms of the City of Alameda are part of a unified system. Although an application to use a Library meeting room is addressed to the Library, this meeting room policy does not guarantee an applicant the room, or time, requested.
No advanced reservation for the use of the small Group Study Rooms at the Main Library will be taken. Those group study rooms will be available to the public (two hour time limit) on a first-come, first-served basis, by individual sign-ups at the Reference Desk.
1. Rooms available by advance reservation for public use:
Community Meeting Room "A" - occupancy 49
Community Meeting Room "B" - occupancy (Combined occupancy auditorium seating 111)
Family Literacy Study Room - occupancy 12 (priority given to “Alameda Reads” activities)
2. Meeting rooms are not available on: New Year's Eve, New Year’s Day, Presidents' Birthday, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Also when bi-annual Staff Development Days are scheduled.
3. All reservation requests must be made in writing and submitted to the Library Administration Office, 2nd floor, Main Library, 1550 Oak Street, Alameda. Confirmation of receipt of the written request and the approval or denial for room use will be made to the requestor.
4. Priority for space will be given to programs that support the library's stated public program of service.
See “Meeting Room Forms / Group Priority & Fee Structure / Use Policy”
5. Fees for room use will be charged as stated in the "Meeting Room Group Priority & Fee Structure" page. Meetings held during the library's normal operating hours will not be charged the Library Attendant fee. Except for Library, or Library co-sponsored activities, groups and organizations using the Library meeting rooms shall arrange for and provide their own special equipment needs, such as overhead projectors, slide projectors, laptops, etc.
All fees, if applicable, must be paid in full at the time the reservation is issued. Cash, personal check (payable to the Alameda Free Library), VISA or MasterCard, cashier's check and money orders are acceptable forms of payment. Exception to the fees must be made by the Library Director or their designee.
6. The applicant and his/her organization shall be responsible for any damage to equipment or property.
7. Reservations for the conference room and community meeting room(s) are granted to individuals 18 years and over.
8. Groups are responsible for setting up and putting away chairs and tables. The room is to be left in a clean and orderly condition (waste thrown away, etc.) The privilege of using the room may be withdrawn if it is not left in good condition.
9. All plans for decorations must be approved by the Library Director, or their designee, prior to installation. Decorations must be removed at the end of the meeting. Nails, tacks, staples, electrical tape or marring materials are not to be used or attached to walls or fixtures on any City property. Confetti, candles and other open flames are prohibited.
10. Light refreshments (pastries, coffee, juice, etc.) are allowed only in the Community Meeting Room. No food preparation on site.
11. Alcohol may not be served or sold.
12. Smoking is not allowed in the building.
13. Advertising or selling of any product or service is prohibited.
14. No “admission” fees may be charged for programs held in the Library meeting spaces, an exception is made for programs sponsored by the Library support groups with the express intent to raise funds for the Library.
15. Activities involving minors must provide a minimum of one adult per 10 minors.
16. The applicant is responsible for the orderly conduct of people attending the meeting, including monitoring appropriate behavior in the library, before, during and after the meeting.
17. Publicity notices promoting a meeting or event being sponsored by an outside group or organization must include the
following disclaimer: The Alameda Free Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meetings or meeting room users. Publicity notices/public fliers promoting a meeting must be shown to the library employee in charge of the meeting room, for approval (by initials), prior to distribution. The Library does not promote programs held by outside organizations in the Library meeting room(s).
18. The City of Alameda and the Alameda Free Library assume no legal responsibility for personal injuries, thefts or losses of private property while on or using City facilities. Each organization and group should provide their own personal liability insurance where injuries, thefts or losses might occur.
Revised by the Alameda Free Library Board
8 June 2011
Intended Purpose and Managing Availability of Public Access Internet Computers
Internet access is provided as an additional research tool for library patrons. Library staff is authorized to manage Internet computer availability. Users are expected to comply when asked by Library staff to relinquish a computer.
To help maximize the availability and utility of the limited number of Internet computers, please observe the following policies, guidelines, and procedures.
Procedures and Time Limits for Internet Computer Use
To log on to an Internet computer you will need to have your current Alameda Free Library card in hand. Library guests and customers without their Alameda Free Library card will be given one temporary pass per day for 20 minutes of computer time.
Internet computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Typically, time slots will be 120 minutes per card per day with no extensions.
- No more than two people at a single computer.
- Prints cost 15 cents per page for black & white and 85 cents per page for color; please pick up and pay for your print job at the copier alcove.
Internet computers in the Children's Department are for the use of children under the age of 13, their caregivers, and teachers. Use children will take precedence over other users in the Children’s Department. In branches, staff may reserve their Internet computers for exclusive use by children during periods of the day throughout the week. These times will be posted.
Procedures may be slightly different at the two branch libraries. Please call if you have specific questions and for current information about time limits and reservations.
Responsible and Courteous Use
Internet computers must be used in compliance with the Alameda Free Library's Policy on Public Use of the Internet and Behavior in the Library Policy. All users of the Internet computers in the library are expected to use this resource in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with these policies.
Internet users are asked not to gather around Internet computers creating a physical impediment or an abnormal noise level affecting other library users.
People of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities frequent the library. Be aware that others may inadvertently observe the computer screen. Consider this when accessing potentially offensive information or images. Filtering software on the computers in the children’s areas provides some courtesy safeguards for Internet users and other library occupants. As with other resources of the library, respect the privacy of Internet users.
Assistance with Using the Internet Computers and with Research
Library staff is available to assist Internet users in accessing the Internet and software on library computers, to offer searching suggestions, to demonstrate printer functions, and to answer questions as time permits. Staff cannot provide in-depth individual assistance. The Library offers classes, which teach basic computer and Internet-searching skills. Please ask staff for information about local opportunities for more in-depth instruction on Internet or personal computer use.
Librarians can be of particular assistance for reference searching on the Internet. Internet access expands the resources available to the researcher through the Library. However, the Internet is not always the best or most expedient source for needed information. Please ask a Librarian to help when in doubt about the best route to find the information you are looking for.
Downloading Information from the Internet; Virus Security
To prevent computer viruses, you may not use your own computer software programs or disks on the Library Internet computers. Downloading information from the Internet is permitted, provided this is done on your personal USB memory device at the time of download. Although the Library uses a virus checker on the computers, this will not guarantee protection. Software downloaded from the Internet to your USB device may contain a virus.
Misuse of Computers
Misuse of an Internet computer may result in loss of computer privileges, loss of library privileges, and possible prosecution. Using the computers for expressly prohibited applications, for commercial purposes, or for criminal or illegal purposes constitutes misuse. Misuse includes:
- tampering with settings, attempting to make unauthorized entry into other networks or systems,
- invading the privacy of others or sending harassing or threatening messages,
- failure to pay for printing,
- mishandling, damaging, or jeopardizing the use of the search station,
- failure to comply when asked by library staff to relinquish the computer,
- and any violation of the Alameda Free Library's Internet Use Policy and Behavior in the Library Policy.
Adopted by the Library Board on October 14, 1998
Revised & Updated by the Library Board on May 9, 2018
The study rooms are intended to be used primarily for tutoring and group study. Rooms are not to be used for napping, storing personal items while off-site or in another area of the library, or other non-study/non-work related activities.
The rooms may be booked in person for up to two hours, once per day, on a first come, first served basis, for the next available room. Between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m., the room may only be booked for one hour.
This means that the room can be booked from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., 2:30 p.m. -4 p.m., 3 p.m. - 4 p.m., etc.
Rooms booked for the last hour must be vacated 5 minutes before closing (4:55 p.m. and 7:55 p.m.)
Additional Policies
- Rooms must be booked at the Reference Desk.
- A group may not be booked for multiple sessions under different names.
- After the scheduled time is up you may stay in the room longer if it has not been booked, although you may be asked to leave at any time after your scheduled booking.
- The room will be held for 10 minutes after the start time, then, if no one has shown up, the room may be given to another party.
- Food or beverages, other than bottled water, are not allowed.
- If you would like to use the white board, you must provide your own dry erase pens and erasers, or check out a set from the Reference Desk using your library card.
- The white board must be left clean at the end of each session.
- Users are asked to adhere to the Library Behavior Policy while in the room.