Sector Two

Sector 2- Mid-Town


Sector 2 is led by Lieutenant David Pascoe.


Sector 2 is situated in the middle of the main Island of Alameda, from Willow Street to Eighth Street, and from Shoreline Drive to the Oakland/Alameda Estuary.


If your neighborhood is interested in organizing a neighborhood watch, you can contact the COPPS Unit at (510) 337-8305.  They can assist you with training a block captain (or captains), give you helpful tips on crime prevention through a CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) evaluation, provide you crime information/stats for your community, and get you on the schedule for National Night Out in August 2018.  A number of valuable resources can also be found on the Community Services/Assistance webpage.


Lieutenant Munoz is the Watch Commander for Patrol Team B and oversees the Canine Unit, the Community Housing Action Taskforce (CHAT), CIT/Peer Support, and the Marine Patrol. His office hours are Saturday through Tuesday, from 11:00am to 9:00pm.  He can be reached at (510) 337-8374 or email: