Alameda Free Library
Rules for Meeting Room Use
The primary purpose of the Alameda Free Library is to serve as a community resource. As a City institution, the library has an obligation to assist the community in the vital function of open public meetings. As a department of the City, the library also has a responsibility to insure that library functions are carried out in an effective way. The balance between these two concerns is vital. The following rules have been set up for the purpose of guiding the public and staff in the use of the premises for public activities and are meant to be broad enough to allow wide public access to library premises and specific enough to allow the library to ensure that the integrity of basic library functions is maintained.
All Library meeting rooms of the City of Alameda are part of a unified system. Although an application to use a Library meeting room is addressed to the Library, this meeting room policy does not guarantee an applicant the room, or time, requested.
No advanced reservation for the use of the small Group Study Rooms at the Main Library will be taken. Those group study rooms will be available to the public (two hour time limit) on a first-come, first-served basis, by individual sign-ups at the Reference Desk.
1. Rooms available by advance reservation for public use:
Community Meeting Room "A" - occupancy 49
Community Meeting Room "B" - occupancy (Combined occupancy auditorium seating 111)
Family Literacy Study Room - occupancy 12 (priority given to “Alameda Reads” activities)
2. Meeting rooms are not available on: New Year's Eve, New Year’s Day, Presidents' Birthday, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Also when bi-annual Staff Development Days are scheduled.
3. All reservation requests must be made in writing and submitted to the Library Administration Office, 2nd floor, Main Library, 1550 Oak Street, Alameda. Confirmation of receipt of the written request and the approval or denial for room use will be made to the requestor.
4. Priority for space will be given to programs that support the library's stated public program of service.
See “Meeting (link is external)Room Forms / Group Priority & Fee Structure / Use Policy” (link is external)
5. Fees for room use will be charged as stated in the "Meeting Room Group Priority & Fee Structure" page. Meetings held during the library's normal operating hours will not be charged the Library Attendant fee. Except for Library, or Library co-sponsored activities, groups and organizations using the Library meeting rooms shall arrange for and provide their own special equipment needs, such as overhead projectors, slide projectors, laptops, etc.
All fees, if applicable, must be paid in full at the time the reservation is issued. Cash, personal check (payable to the Alameda Free Library), VISA or MasterCard, cashier's check and money orders are acceptable forms of payment. Exception to the fees must be made by the Library Director or their designee.
6. The applicant and his/her organization shall be responsible for any damage to equipment or property.
7. Reservations for the conference room and community meeting room(s) are granted to individuals 18 years and over.
8. Groups are responsible for setting up and putting away chairs and tables. The room is to be left in a clean and orderly condition (waste thrown away, etc.) The privilege of using the room may be withdrawn if it is not left in good condition.
9. All plans for decorations must be approved by the Library Director, or their designee, prior to installation. Decorations must be removed at the end of the meeting. Nails, tacks, staples, electrical tape or marring materials are not to be used or attached to walls or fixtures on any City property. Confetti, candles and other open flames are prohibited.
10. Light refreshments (pastries, coffee, juice, etc.) are allowed only in the Community Meeting Room. No food preparation on site.
11. Alcohol may not be served or sold.
12. Smoking is not allowed in the building.
13. Advertising or selling of any product or service is prohibited.
14. No “admission” fees may be charged for programs held in the Library meeting spaces, an exception is made for programs sponsored by the Library support groups with the express intent to raise funds for the Library.
15. Activities involving minors must provide a minimum of one adult per 10 minors.
16. The applicant is responsible for the orderly conduct of people attending the meeting, including monitoring appropriate behavior in the library, before, during and after the meeting.
17. Publicity notices promoting a meeting or event being sponsored by an outside group or organization must include the
following disclaimer: The Alameda Free Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meetings or meeting room users. Publicity notices/public fliers promoting a meeting must be shown to the library employee in charge of the meeting room, for approval (by initials), prior to distribution. The Library does not promote programs held by outside organizations in the Library meeting room(s).
18. The City of Alameda and the Alameda Free Library assume no legal responsibility for personal injuries, thefts or losses of private property while on or using City facilities. Each organization and group should provide their own personal liability insurance where injuries, thefts or losses might occur.
Revised by the Alameda Free Library Board
8 June 2011