Community Advisory - Fleet Week

October 1 – October 9 Fleet Week


The Blue Angels return to the San Francisco Bay Area as part of 2017 Fleet Week from October 1st through October 9.  The Oakland International Airport (OAK) North Field will host different Fleet Week participants, including United States Air Force aircraft and other performance teams and aerobatic planes.  During this time, residents near the airport should expect unusual flight activity and noise from the jet activity occurring during the day.  


OAK recognizes community noise concerns associated with such an event, and is employing a range of solution to mitigate noise impacts, including public outreach through the media and meetings with local residents who live below Airport flight paths.  Although departures and arrivals will occur over some residences, OAK has worked with the Blue Angels and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to minimize noise by using the airport’s main commercial runway at South Field to the extent practical.  OAK maintains a list of citizens and organizations that receive regular airport community advisories on any unusual conditions or activity that could affect aircraft operations.  If you would like to be added to the OAK community advisory notification list, please contact the Oakland Airport Noise Hot Line at (510) 563-6463.