Under the command of Captain Lance Leibnitz, the Police Department’s Bureau of Services is responsible for Technical and Administrative Services.
Technical Services provides the residents of Alameda an interface with the police department whether you contact us by phone, in person, via mail, email, or any social media (Facebook, Twitter, Nixle). Technical services may have your property, a copy of a crime report, or may be able to provide specific data relative to your neighborhood or work area.
Administrative Services is composed of three areas. Crime Prevention helps coodinate events within the City, the Citizen Police Academy, the Volunteer program, and neighborhood/business watch. Inspectional Services, or "Internal Affairs", is the point of contact when people have concerns they would like to raise about APD. Personnel and Training is the point of contact for those who are interested in potential employment at APD.
Technical Services
Administrative Services
To reach Captain Lance Leibnitz, please call (510) 337-8400 or email: lleibnit@alamedaca.gov